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John Quiggin

Here's my response to Becker and Murphy https://johnquiggin.com/2006/05/11/becker-and-murphy-on-advertising/

David Friedman

Pace Lepage, I regard my father as a libertarian and myself as a Chicago school economist. And while some libertarians attack my father as a defender of central banking, it isn't true.


Hi David (if I may?),
Thank you for responding! I had the privilege of corresponding with your father over my interpretation of his views, and I am pleased that you found this website.

I am curious why you think your father is not a mitigated (and skeptical) defender of central banking (as distinct from fee banking). Even in his 1986 with Anna Schwartz, “Has Government Any Role in Money?” seems to me to express skepticism and caution about free banking.

I don't think anyone (who is not a purist) would deny your dad is in a non-trivial sense a libertarian (but not of the anarchist sort). But I wonder if you think it's really so odd that some people (including Lepage) thought you were far more anarchist than your dad in the 1970s? Also did you review or discuss Lepage's interpretation of you back in the day?

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