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This goes up there with Graeber on Rousseau for the "best" missrepresentation of enlightenment figures this week.

As for Bodin, his work on witchcraft gets a brief mention in the introductory material to the volume on his work in the Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought series, which is how I knew of it. He also gets a brief discussion in Edward Peter's excellent book _Torture_, for his role having witchcraft designated as one of the "serious crimes" for which torture could be used to extract a confession.

Eric Schliesser

As you may know from my series of posts on it, I think Graeber's Debt is a really important and interesting book (despite the many interpretive and substantive disagreements I have with it). Federici's book has very similar merits as Graeber's has (although I find his anarchism more congenial than her Marxism), but I think The Caliban and The Witch should really be read as a manifesto or as an invitation to further research not as a scholarly treatise.
I have not yet read the new Graeber/Wengrow book (although I have digressed on one of the essays leading into it).


You have seen this, I assume: https://twitter.com/DavidAvromBell/status/1458412888532606976 Graeber has struck me as someone who doesn't worry all that much about getting things right if it would get in the way of the story he wants to tell - as much or more a political actor as a scholar. His responses to criticism of the scholarship in Debt were also less than encouraging, I thought. No doubt there's useful things in his work, but I'm not sure you can trust it.

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