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glad you have some relief, "non-restorative" sleep has been tied into many of these kinds of symptoms but the likely (no doubt connected) culprit is our nervous systems which we know all too little about (as well as our ignorance about our immune systems and the feedback loops between the two)
here is audio of an article on long-haulers and medical care:

Barbara Wimsatt

Eric this is a lot to respond to so I will only try a little .First thrilled that you seem to keep improving and makes me think you will be back in full force eventually. Eric, the force of nature! It must take huge effort just to keep up the effort. I’m also struck by some , but not all, of the similarities to aging, such as insomnia and brain fog. Awful for it to happen prematurely, By the way, ginger supplements are great for nausea. Keep going Eric. We’re all pulling for you!❤️ Barb

Eric Steinhart

Your posts on your recovery are fascinating and valuable. I never know what to make of chronic illness. I suffer from several myself and I've never been able to incorporate them into any philosophical theory except a theory that says I conceive of better versions of myself in other worlds. I haven't been at all impressed by what I've read on chronic illness by philosophers. I probably haven't read enough of it. I hope you'll write up your experience more later after you've fully recovered, which, I hope, will be soon.

Rick Iedema

Eric I’m so pleased you’re getting the better of this, if slowly. Fantastic! Knuffel, Rick

Eric Schliesser

Thank you for your kind comments, and encouragement, Eric.

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