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ah yeah slow down yer breathing to interrupt the feedback loops and try
at night a couple of hours before you hope to sleep.

Barb Wimsatt

Eric Sorry to hear that this is continuing so long. Perhaps the good days are a sign it is slowly getting better. Hopefully!

By the way your insomnia sounds something like mine. Sometimes 3 or 4 days with 3 or 4 hours of sleep and then a couple of days of crashing for 6 or so. I think in my case it’s aging. But it’s not fun in any case.

Hopefully yours will soon improve! 🌹

Aaron Lercher

The insomnia might be anxiety and depression prompted by everything you are going through. But I'm merely saying that based on my own life, not on any knowledge beyond that.

Are you able to take walks during the day? Exercise? Just take care of yourself as well as you can. You are giving yourself a lot of time, which is good.

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