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George Gale

I am relieved to hear that your physician convinced you to take your sick leave seriously. Debbie, who used to be an RN before she got her PhD at Pitt, finally convinced me two weeks ago that "you've been *sick* no matter what you think, and you need to HEAL: slow down and heal." Excellent advice for both of us.
I'm glad to hear you're improving Eric, albeit slowly. We need you back in the lists! You go, boy!


good news about the relief of some symptoms and that you are open to care from folks in the know, "depression" is tricky how to sort out feeling ill/off, sadness, anger, pain, mourning, learned-helplessness, alienation, etc? I used to try and tell folks in disability studies that they should make the strategic/political move of aligning themselves with folks working on geriatric issues, sooner of later the breakdowns are coming to all...

Bill Wimsatt

Eric, I read this only now but rejoice with all at your partial improvements. When you feel frustrations at your remaining limitations, realize that you do better philosophy limited to blog posts than most of us unhindered. I really appreciated your reflections on regrets. In the meantime, rejoice in your wife, son, and mother! Love from both of us! Bill and Barb for a speedy and sustained recovery.

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