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Victor Gijsbers

When the tyrant has a preference for desert landscapes, he will turn the world into sand.

Seth Edenbaum

Ordoliberalism is a state managed economy, liberal in the sense of German liberalism (see Krieger "The German Idea of Freedom: History of a Political Tradition"). It's freedom only within authoritarianism. American liberalism, beginning in individualism, far from the state, on the "frontier" of one sort or another, becomes libertarianism, the only native American ideology. Again, all of this is an argument for a deeper sociology. Foucault is no more free of history and culture than the others.

Chomskian linguistics, with claims for a linguistics modeled on physics, is a parallel to Chicago economics, and Chomsky's rationalist politics a parallel in inverse, equally blind to the complexities of human behavior. "Postwar American rationalism" is a historical category.
You can't defeat materialism and determinism as an argument simply by talking about ideas.

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