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Frances White

This is wonderful to read. I fell in love with Iris Murdoch over 40 years ago and I value someone saying it. When I eventually did my PhD on her I was fearful of waking up one day and finding that her writing had gone to dust and ashes on me. But it never did. I got fed up with my own writing and with criticism but whenever I turned back to a text by Iris either fictional or philosophical it was the same magic and passion again. It has never gone away.
Dr Frances White: Deputy Director, Iris Murdoch Research Centre, University of Chichester


Thank you! I have a feeling, pun intended, it will be the same for me.

Susan J Brison

❤️What a beautiful essay. I fell in love with Simone de Beauvoir when I was 16, in part because I found her ideas of "essential love" (what she and Sartre had) and "contingent love" (what she had with those lovers who weren't Sartre) so appealing (perhaps because it was so different from the seeminly boring traditional marriage my parents had). I fell out of love with her when I learned how much damage she and Sartre did to those whom they "loved contingently." Nelson Algren was right to be furious with her after what she wrote about their affair in Force of Circumstance. But it was her and Sartre's affairs with their young students (and how she spoke of them in her letters to Sartre) that made me see how how shallow and hypocritical her way of loving actually was. I still admire her philosophically and teach The Second Sex with no small amount of awe. But *love*? I just don't have it in me. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2005/09/26/stand-by-your-man


Thanks so much for this Susan! I hadn't read that piece - thanks so much for sharing - I had no idea. Those are some gruesome details. How tragic to fall out of love due to misbehaviour of philosophers one admires.
To end on a positive note: I vividly remember a talk you gave at the Moral Sciences Club a few years back. Definitely a renewed passion for philosophy moment for me.

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