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About your '++',

One of the many frustrating parts about the quote is that its authors tie the evaluation of epistemic practice to whether that practice had a role in spreading empire, or conversely, was the victim of empire.

It may be that elevating non-white(?), indigenous, and non-European knowledges is to increase objectivity. But the only mooted reason seems to be that these have been the victim of empire. That doesn't sound like a good reason. At most, we have reason think that empire has perhaps clouded our vision, and lots of good stuff went unnoticed. The jury, on these others, remains out - pending a proper investigation.

(Admittedly, this involves an assumption about what counts as good reason - which necessarily must come from a particular stance. And round and round we go.)

Eric Schliesser

I don't think the quoted passage is actually making much of an evaluation of the on-white, indigenous, and non-European (etc.) epistemic practices. It's just noticing that they have been displaced by ways of knowing that had advantage of colonial power. That happens to be true. And presumably it is alerting hiring committees not to be prejudiced against these ways of knowing--not to ignore the good stuff.
I recognize that your reading may well be implied by a larger context. So, I am not taking bets.

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