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Catarina Dutilh Novaes

This is terrifying and beautiful at the same time. I knew the circumstances of your son's birth had been traumatic, but I never knew the details. I think the fact that your wife is a medical doctor definitely contributed to this outcome (as you noticed); doctors are often confused as to what to do when a patient is 'one of them' (speaking as the daughter of two medical doctors who have each been through all kinds of medical complications).
I don't know if I ever told you, but the birth of my second daughter was also a bit of a scare (though not nearly as bad as your story). It could have easily ended in my death. My then-husband never understood the trauma of that experience, and that's when things started going wrong between us (eventually leading to him now being an ex). So your story here touches a very sensitive nerve in me. I'm glad that you all made it through: your son, your wife, and your relationship.

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