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Another striking example of the translational shift. J L Austin published his translation of Frege's *The Foundations of Arithmetic* in 1953, when he was 32 (and in a professional sense younger, if 5 years of military service is taken into account). Surely this choice of treatise, as an object for translation, helped him to make the dramatic shift from the philosophical practice of his teachers (Cook Wilson, Joseph and Prichard) to the radically different methods of his maturity.


One thing Elizabeth Anscombe, John McDowell, Jan Łukasiewicz, Martha Nussbaum, W.D. Ross, and Eleanore Stump have in common is that they produced major translations of complex, philosophical works.

Also, maybe, Foucault (depending on what counts as a "major translation"), as he translated Kant's Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View as part of his doctoral work, and the translation was published. I say "maybe" because I don't know if it was a translation that was widely used or not. I've bee lazily reading his introduction to it for a while, and enjoying it.

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