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Just FYI, the google book links don't, at least for me, go to any passages, but just the general page for the book, with no connection to the material you're referencing. I'm not sure if that's a problem w/ the links, my browser, or something else, but it might be worth a look.

Eric Schliesser

Thank you for alerting me. I am unsure how to resolve it at this moment.


I'm not sure how you got the URL's for your links, but they're all screwed up. Here's an example of one that should work (works for me, anyway):


Yours had a whole bunch of stuff from other searches, also has lpg=PA12 instead of pg=PA17. I changed google.nl to google.com because the blog post is in English, so I guess you want the page you point to be in English.

Aaron Garrett

You might find this (brilliant) paper interesting, which presents related against the background of Leibniz's mill.


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