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Sharad Deshpande

The account given by Joel Katzav of the distinction made by me (Sharad Deshpande) between first and second generation of modern Indian Philosophers is grossly wrong. Nowhere in my introduction I have mentioned the names of A.R.Wadia, M.Sircar, D.M.Dutta, P.T.Raju, and K.R.S. Ayengar as 'first generation of modern Indian philosophers.Joel Katzav has also mixed up "S.N.Gupta" and "Surendra Nath (S.N.) Dasgupta". Throughout my Introduction I have categorically referred to "Surendra Nath (S.N.) Dasgupta" without confusing him with "S.N.Gupta". In fact, "S.N.Gupta" does not appear even once in my book.Joel Katzav also tells us that one Mr. "Narasimham has published in Mind in 1912 (under the pseudonym Homo Leone)" How does Joel Katzav know that Narasimham wrote under pseudonym?

Joel Katzav

I got the information about Narasimham’s use of ‘Homo Leone’ from William Sweet’s The Moral, Social and Political Philosophy of the British Idealists. With regard to S. N. Gupta, I said I presumed that he was the same as Surendra Nath (S.N.) because I was unsure who Gupta was (Mind sometimes misspelled names and I found no exact match); if you know who ‘S. N. Gupta’ was I would be happy to know more. As for the list of first-generation Indian philosophers, I extended your list on the basis of similarity of dates of birth; your list included philosophers born between 1864 and 1914, and you made it clear that the list was not complete. I apologize for not properly explaining what I did. I should have said that my list was based on yours rather than that I got it from you. My apologies.

Elise Coquereau

I think (except if there is another Mind journal I would not know about) that your information about Daya Krishna is not accurate, he did publish an article in 1957: 'Law of Contradiction and Empirical Reality' in Mind, New Series, Vol. 66, No. 262 (Apr., 1957), pp. 250-257.

Joel Katzav

Thanks for the correction Elise. The article you refer to is a discussion note rather than a full-length paper, but I should have noticed it.

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