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Zena Hitz

I love this, Eric, and it may surprise you that I don't disagree with it.

By "safe" I meant, safe from oppressive or exploitative agendas. That was my way of trying to capture the 'safety' that I think the safe-space people are really interested in. But even that safety is only the safety of the broad perspective or a sense of your own dignity, not actual safety from eg a crummy job or a bad deal.

As far as the dangers of reading: probably I need to think more about this. I suppose a certain kind of simple happiness can be unsettled by serious reading and thinking in the way you suggest. In a different era, perhaps I would find this problem more gripping. But the default form of happiness these days-- endless work and fleeting virtual pleasures--strikes me as sufficiently dehumanizing to put pressure in the other direction. (Suicide is way up--is that a coincidence? It certainly isn't caused by too much Paul Bowles) We are more likely now to find a way to a real, wholesome way of life through books than without them. I think!

Eric Schliesser

Fair enough.

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