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I was assuming in the PGR era that very good students grativate to the departments with the very good faculty. Do you have evidence that that assumption is mistaken?

Schliesser, Eric

I am stipulating agreement with that assumption (for the sake of argument). It still does not follow that there is no exclusion of a demographic of good students (and the mechanism could be heuristics).


If you're stipulating that, then recruitment is irrelevant. Neither you nor Prof. De Cruz have any evidence that in the PGR era there is a pool of highly talented students that does not know about which departments have the strongest faculties. Of course, in a post-PGR era, there will be lots of such students since, as you know, the PGR was a great equalizer of information.

Schliesser, Eric

I am on record defending the PGR and I do not expect to live in a post-PGR time any time soon. But you are overplaying the claims on its behalf when you insist that *it* [the PGR] does not exclude any *demographic* of good students. That may be true, but it is very likely it doesn't even if you and I agree that those students that go through top PGR programs are also all very good.

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