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John Protevi

Thank you for this tribute to a wonderful person, Eric. My sincere condolences.


Thank You Eric..

Matteo Blas

Nice photos and story ... Thanks ... I don't remember you Eric but my mother Laura says that when we were kids we used to play together in Mimosa...


thanks for this priceless information.I will share at http://cae.uonbi.ac.ke

yvonne scholten

please contact me - I am project manager of spanjestrijders.nl ... and I never heard about Lini Bunjes


We used to spend our hollidays in hotel mimosa from aprox. Year 1975 untill 1985 with our 2 childeren and i can remember very well Leonardo who took care for the barbecue and a lot of other work and of course taking care for luggage and bringing to the coast.
Her son Leonardo became very ill in that time and past away during our stay in Sestri.
We have still very good friends from that time and a lot of good memories.

Uta aus Hamburg

Wir erinnern uns mit Liebe an sie und Sohn Antonio. Es waren unsere schönsten Urlaube.

David Cumper

I was writing a note to one of my sons about the early holidays that I spent with my siblings and parents, his grandparents, and by chance looked up Sestri. This led me to see if there was anything about Mrs.Rosenthal, as she was to me. To my surprise and delight I came across your article. What joyous memories it has brought back of those care free times in the mid 60's at Mimosa and on the beach at Sestri.
Although I was only in my mid teens I could see what a strong woman she was and her back story really doesn't surprise me. One of a kind. Thank you again for the memories. David

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