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Carl Sachs

Nicely said! The hard question here is how to foster conditions favorable to hybrids and beautiful monsters, and how to institutionalize those conditions. (I prefer Iain Thomson's term, "coyote" -- a border-crosser.)

This comes up again and again for a couple of reasons, but here's one (I think). Those of us who have, in some way or another, seen our way clear of "the analytic/Continental divide", still don't have ways of feeding our perspectives back into structure of the profession. The profession is still largely dominated by the Leiter-ized discourse of what counts as a "good" graduate program. The divide is deeply ingrained in the sociology of the profession. (For example: as far as I know, students at Pitt aren't encouraged to take classes at Duquesne, or conversely.)

And students who come into grad programs with an emphatic interest in being trained as hybrids or coyotes have far fewer options, both in schools to apply to and in people to work with. The problem reiterates when it comes to journals to publish in, which in turn is crucial for getting a TT job, etc.

In short: there's a disconnect between those of us who want to either overcome the Divide or produce beautiful hybrids (and there are a lot of us!) and how the profession is actually structured.

By the way, thanks for naming me in the blog post!

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