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David Duffy

RL Stevenson writes, not on perennial wisdom (though he has definite opinions on Thoreau's ideas - "Looking round in English for a book that should answer Thoreau's two demands of a style like poetry and
sense that shall be both original and inspiriting, I come to Milton's AREOPAGITICA, and can name no other instance
for the moment."), but I thought amusingly:

"It was his ambition to be an oriental philosopher; but he was always a very Yankee sort of oriental. Even in the peculiar attitude in which he stood to money, his system of personal economics, as we may call it, he displayed a vast amount of truly down-East calculation, and he adopted poverty like a piece of business."

Schliesser, Eric

Thank you for reminding me of Stevenson's essay. I find the fourth section, especially, very insightful.

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