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Ruth Groff

On how great Plato is for teaching: yes, it's so true! I always thought that Arsenio Hall made all of his guests look good, back when he had a talk show. I always think of Plato as being like that. Any kid can think about point - practically any one word - and they are immediately doing philosophy. I often ask students what they think Cephalus would be like if he had access to Viagra. Boom. They're into it deep.

On the content of yr post, I commented on the fb thread from the other day!

Aaron Alvarez

The absence of true philosophy in the city may point towards claims in the earlier Platonic corpus about the health of individual. Protagoras 312b-314c are an example. Chunks of the Lesser Hippias are another example. Philosophy there is seen as a way to heal the individual. This may connect to his view of religion via the Ion. If the people are not sick in the city they would not need philosophy/religion. The Socratic Proportion that Justice is the soul as health is body seems to be implicit.. However, considering he seems to recommend a rationalistic structure for the people in the later stages of the city. He may be quietly implying it is always in a state of sickness except when it is directly expressing its health as seen in healthy city.

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