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Ruth Groff

Yes, totally! (And the piety issue, too, is flagged within the first line or two.)

I always start out with "... first we prayed *and* looked on," followed by this exchange, when, on Day 1 of my fall Intro class starting in on a several weeks long read of the Republic, I undertake to impress upon students both that the entire thing can and must be read as one would read a (philosophical) poem - with that degree of care to every detail - and that one of the things that it is about, as so many of the dialogues are, is precisely this question of whether or not it is possible to persuade people who refuse to listen.

The same problem vexes the hypostatized 3-part soul as depicted in the R., wherein spirit and appetite have to somehow come to agree to be ruled by reason.

Plato is the best.

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