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Neil Levy

If I understand you, your claim is that distance from what one takes to be the centre predicts derivative research, and it is this, not English facility, that explains low citation rates. That account predicts that Australians will have lower citation rates than Europeans, since the distance to the centres is greater from Australia than from Europe. Is that borne out by the data? I'd be surprised if that were true. Myself, I've never felt cut off from the centre, partly because my work is eccentric (literally), and partly because so much philosophical discussion takes place on blogs and Facebook today.

Filippo Contesi

It seems to me there is just as much reason to speculate that work done by non-native speakers is more original than work done by native speakers (because, say, their research is less likely to be influenced by existing dominant lines of research), than there is to speculate that non-native speakers do more me too research than natives. More probably, in fact, neither speculation is true.

Citation rates can very well be influenced by biases in the way that Politi suggests.

Enzo Rossi

There might be an easy way to begin to test some of the hypotheses made in that Cocoon post: are there more papers by non-native speakers in formal philosophy journals as opposed to all other philosophy journals?

Eric Schliesser

Neil, I missed your comment before (apologies for slow response). In philosophy Australia stopped being in the periphery in the period that David Lewis found his second (intellectual) home there. So, I would expect/predict that citation rates for Australians would have converged since. But, yes, there might be ways to test empirical hypotheses in the vicinity of my claim by cleverly using data from both English and non-English speaking countries.

Michael Kochin

As a former editor of a non-English language scientific journal, I can tell that a lot of what gets published in such journals is "me-too" research, though useful to students because it gets through the language barrier.

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