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Michael Deckard

It is worth reading Larry May, a famous philosopher of law, particularly regarding genocide and international law, who wrote a dissertation on Hobbes with Hannah Arendt (she died before he defended it) in which he defends a (contingent) pacifist reading of Hobbes in May's Limiting Leviathan. There is a good deal of literature on this worth taking seriously (my friend Patricia Springborg presented on this topic at a conference I helped organize in Sydney, Australia--she also defends a pacifist Hobbes).

Eric Schliesser

I know Larry's great paper on the social contract as a gift to a third party. But have not read his book yet. (We were colleagues once.)
Thanks for alerting me to the larger literature.

Patricia Springborg

Dear Michael, I have been trying to get hold of you but lost your email address when I moved from Bolzano to Berlin. Have you published your Sydney paper because I would like to acknowledge it. I am just now in the process of publishing mine! You can find my home page on the Centre for British Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin, website!

All the best
Patricia Springborg

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