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M. Anderson

But we do not "obtain PhDs in professional philosophy." We obtain them in Philosophy, period. And as I have suggested before, it may be that our obsessive identification of philosophy with professional philosophy leads to some (or many?) of the problems so much in the news these days. The perpetrators of the egregious misbehavior are better described as "professionals" than "philosophers." They certainly are not sages, and many of them likely do not believe in wisdom as conceived by the ancients.

Eric Schliesser

We disagree: (a) the PhD is akin to a union card--in practice it gives you (some, perhaps small, but certainly increased compared to having no PhD) opportunity to get a job in an institution of higher learning. More important, (b) being philosophy does not require a PhD. But (c) being a professional philosopher is still being...well...a philosopher. (If *you* don't think professional philosophers are philosophers, good for you.)
Finally, I don't know anybody who would confuse contemporary professional philosophers with sages (imagined or real), so we agree about that. Having said that, we should not be so rash in our self-confidence on these matters and overlook the possibility that there are a few sages in our midst (even if they didn't know it themselves).

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