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 Michael Kremer

It bears mentioning that Winter quarter classes at Northwestern end in a week (March 15 to be exact). http://www.registrar.northwestern.edu/calendars/2013-14_University_Calendar.html
So this is not a huge inconvenience for anyone, really.

Dave Maier

Leiter has posted a link to Ludlow's answer to the student's charges [her name is redacted]. As manifested in that document, at least, Ludlow's legal strategy is not well described as "suggesting the victim asked for it," which implies that he admits that there was sexual contact but that it was her idea. Instead, in that document he denies just about everything flat out.

I agree with most of the rest of this post though; "vigilante justice" is quite a stretch for a protest of this sort.

Eric Schliesser

My post was posted before that document was released. But I note that even in his response, Ludlow grants that the student ended up asleep in his bed with him (both fully clothed).

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