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Aaron Alvarez

I would claim that it is not just a theocratic state but it is a theocratic state in the vein of Chinese concept of mandate of Heaven or like Thomas Aquinas claim that the act of governing office and its function preserves a natural, political and theological order. Unlike traditional macro in micro models though, the division both government and king are objects in the flow. One does not make the order but just channels it. If the king were not maintain property in line with reinforcing the government he would presumably lose the mandate to rule. The creation of the state is tied to the production of all things including the ordering of the world. The property is arranged in line to promote and keep and preserve the state along with the natural and theological order that is coextensive with it. The miracles seem to be the founding of the political order with the flow of the installation of natural and theological properties along with it.

Eric Schliesser

I don't see much evidence for either the mandate of Heaven; there is more to be said for the idea that the act of governing office and its function preserves a natural, political and theological order, but I think you miss some complexities and ironies when it comes to either the natural or theological order.

Aaron Alvarez

The thing that I know I am missing and that I know goes over my head. Is the position of the Spanish and Portuguese in the work. The talks of their colonies leading up to the discovery and what it means after the disclosure of Bensalem is something that I know eludes me.

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