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Wim Vanrie

Dear professor Schliesser,

How would you respond to the thought that the possible has to have something (some logical form) in common with the actual in order for us to be able to coherently think about it at all? This seems to me to be Wittgensteins thought when he says in the Tractatus: "Es ist offenbar, daβ auch eine von der wirklichen noch so verschieden gedachte Welt Etwas - Eine Form - mit der wirklichen gemein haben muβ" (2.022). Would this be compatible with Deleuze, or is it exactly this line of thought that he's trying to overcome (überwinden, we could say)?

I'm not really sure if this is even a good question to ask Deleuze (is there a logic of the virtual? Do we need one?), but that in itself might also help me to understand him better.

Best regards,

Eric Schliesser

Wim, I think we should take seriously Deleuze's attempt to think an alternative to the possible (or the variety of ways in which we commonly think about the possible). So, yes, I take Deleuze to be agreeing with Wittgenstein that the possible must have some commonality with the actual. But that for a variety of purposes we may well need a concept (the virtual) that allows us to think about alternatives that cannot (to use a metaphor) be made visible with a logic founded on similarity.

Deleuze can allow that there are (a) subsets or regions of the virtual or (b) ways of its actualization that may be temporarily subject of a logic. But I am also pretty sure that on his view this need not last (the logic can be surpassed).

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